Sea Turtle Nesting Season Happening In Jacksonville Now Through October 31
- by Charles Wagoner
- May 4, 2022

Sea turtle nesting season is officially underway in North Florida now through Oct. 31. Residents, visitors, and businesses are asked to help protect natural sea turtle habitats by observing all nesting season laws and regulations. We ask that all beachfront properties must reduce their impact by eliminating interior and exterior lights that may disrupt nesting sea turtles.
Beachgoers can also have a positive impact on nesting sea turtles by taking the following precautions:
- Refrain from using fireworks and open fires.
- Remove ruts and sandcastles.
- Flashlights are strongly discouraged as they can harm sea turtles.
- Avoid entering dunes and conservation zones (15 feet seaward of the dune line).
- Refrain from releasing balloons or sky lanterns, as they can fall into the ocean and harm marine life.
- Never approach sea turtles emerging from or returning to the sea. Nesting sea turtles are vulnerable, timid, and can be easily frightened.
- Leave only your footprints at the beach.
- Never push an injured animal back into the ocean.
Should you come across a sea turtle nesting or baby turtles hatching. Please remain at a distance and enjoy the beauty of nature and wildlife in its natural habitat.
Spot a turtle? Share with us on social by tagging us #904HappyHour :)